
Moderní přístupy ve výuce jazyků 2024

19.10.2024, 09:20 - 16:45
Ukázat na mapěFilozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy

Rezervace na jednotlivé prezentace není závazná, pomáhá optimalizovat alokaci učeben k jednotlivým prezentacím. Změna programu vyhrazena.

09:30 - 10:20

10:35 - 11:25


Join the Adventure: Engaging with Stories Přednášející

Anastasia Mouser - Bridge Publishing House



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Across cultures, people tell stories to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences. Stories can teach lessons or spread news; they can make us laugh or bring us to tears. Good stories are always engaging, and what better way to teach and motivate young English learners with stories and storytelling? In the seminar Join the Adventure: Engaging with Stories, the Deputy Editor of Bridge Publishing House, invites you along to learn how to harness the power of stories to get students reading and telling stories of their own in English.
How to Get Your Teenagers Involved Through Multisensory Learning Přednášející

Grzegorz Spiewak - Macmillan Education



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Images, video and audio content are all readily available in educational materials, and online tools enable students to collaborate using various sensory modes. But how can we make the most of these media and tools, along with written texts, to enrich our students’ learning experiences? This is where this practical session comes in. We’ll try out a range of activity types, all tried-and-tested with real teenagers, to demonstrate how we can increase students’ sensory engagement, and thus maximize learning outcomes with teenage learners.
The B2-C1 Gap in Writing – Understanding the Difference Přednášející

Darren Perrett - Cambridge Univeristy Press and Assessment



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The purpose of this standardisation workshop is to provide training to experienced teachers on how to assess students' writings at B2 and C1 levels. We will analyse the cut-offs between CEFR levels, identifying the salient points so that you may leave the workshop more confident in being able to provide detailed feedback to your own students. You will actively be discussing and making CEFR level decisions, so please come prepared to interact.
The Power of Frequency in Vocabulary Learning and Teaching Přednášející

Barbora Bulantová - Filozofická fakulta UK



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Learning vocabulary is crucial for mastering a foreign language. Consequently, a key task of any language teacher is to identify useful vocabulary for their learners. This workshop will demonstrate how to use frequency data to inform vocabulary selection and enhance learners’ vocabulary growth and skills development. Participants will then gain practical techniques for applying this knowledge in teaching individual words and lexical chunks as well as word parts.

11:50 - 12:40


Steal Like a Teacher: Time-Saving Lesson Planning Tips Přednášející

Radka Malá - Ventures Books / Pearson



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Be creative! Be original! Be motivating! Be all of that but most importantly, be smart and save time when you teach kids. In this practical workshop for primary school teachers, we’ll say goodbye to endless hours of lesson planning and we’ll look at how to create universal props, games, video lessons and other ideas that we can use time and again yet always engage our little students in a new adventure.
Skills Building for Communication Přednášející

Claudia Molnár - MM Publications



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We often talk about skills, and we always talk about communicative competences yet, somehow, we don’t always put them together. More often than not, the focus is on comprehension tasks for assessing receptive skills and these then form the basis for developing language production. During this workshop we shall discover how we can place a more communicative focus on our skills building activities to develop more confidence in our learners’ communication.
Teaching Mixed Level and Ability Classes Using a Course Book Přednášející

Charles Stewart - Cambridge University Press and Assessment



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Mixed ability classes have become the norm in ELT, and it seems that we, as teachers, must cope with a greater range of mixed abilities within the same class nowadays. In this workshop, we will explore ways and tips for coping with Mixed Ability Classes and look at various strategies for differentiating activities within a course book, referencing the Cambridge Own It series.
Injecting Fun into the classroom Přednášející

Philip Warwick - ILC Czechoslovakia



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In a world that seems to get crazier every minute, students’ lives seem to becoming more stressful and uncertain. Education will always offer an escape, provided that the door is open and the light is attractive enough to enter. Although edutainment is a bit of a dirty word, there comes a point where the benefits of humour, creativity and surprise, in helping students learn and enjoy their studies, can make a difference. This session will look at how we can teach the content without the boredom.

12:55 - 13:25

13:40 - 14:30


Getting Better Outcomes Přednášející

Hugh Dellar - National Geographic



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In this hands-on, practical session, I'll look at some of the principles I teach by, why I've come to these beliefs, and how they might apply to working with teaching material. Among other things, we'll look at how to explain, exemplify and use students to expand upon examples of new language; how to encourage noticing; the central importance of remembering to language learning and how we can encourage it in class; approaches to correction; and ways of ensuring recycling.
Bizarre Britain: Holidays, Customs and Traditions Přednášející

Liam Peach - Bridge Publishing House



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Britain is a country full of curious customs, odd observances and peculiar practices. Often very localised, many of these strange festivals and celebrations have been carried out for generations and still survive today. From runaway wheels of cheese to violent mass sports, these habits are uniquely British. Join Liam on a tour of some of Britain’s more eccentric local traditions.
Learning Through Play Přednášející

Tereza Pech - Oxford University Press



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Discover the exciting fusion of 'learning' and 'play' in language education! Join us as we explore the powerful synergy between these two concepts to enhance your students' language learning experience. Uncover the numerous benefits of incorporating play in the classroom, tackle potential challenges head-on, and equip yourself with a number of practical ideas to elevate your teaching in your very next class.
Getting Students to Write (And They Won’t Even Realize It!) Přednášející

Tasci Gibson - Spěvaček



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Teachers and Students alike dread writing. It takes time. It's boring. The prompts in the book aren't natural. In this workshop we will discuss ways to incorporate more writing into the classroom. We will explore collaborative writing, better writing prompts, and tried and true activities that will work. If you enjoyed Tasci's session last year that gave grammar activities with no grammar, you are sure to enjoy this session on sneaking writing into your classroom.

14:45 - 15:35


Empowering Every Learner: Strategies for Teaching Mixed Ability Classes Přednášející

Kylie Malinowska - Oxford University Press



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Delve into the dynamic realm of teaching mixed ability classes, where diversity thrives and challenges abound. Discover practical strategies, innovative approaches, and effective techniques to engage and empower every learner in your classroom. We'll explore real-world examples and interactive activities designed to enhance your teaching toolkit and foster inclusive learning environments.
Lazy Teacher Activities Přednášející

April Mislan - James Cook Languages



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Tired of filling time by asking "what are you plans this weekend" but don't have the time to create materials that may or may not be used? Come to the Lazy Teacher Activities to pick up a few no-prep needed activities to add to your lessons, or to use when you have extra class time.
Keeping it COOL 4 TEENS Přednášející

Daniela Clarke - Macmillan Education



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Teenagers can be pretty tricky when they want to be, and are often amongst the most demanding groups for teachers. In this workshop we will explore the challenges of teaching teens that seem unfocused, uninterested or unpredictable. We will look at teaching strategies that keep the lessons cool for teens. You’ll walk away with fun activities up your sleeve to keep those teens on their toes!
How to Speak Clearly Přednášející

David Fisher - The Bear Educational Theatre



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Teachers often ask their students to 'speak up!', or 'speak more clearly', However, while this advice by itself is not especially useful, it is often all that teachers have to offer.
This workshop addresses this problem by offering five concrete things that teachers can do to help their students speak more clearly and with more confidence, even when they are in reality feeling nervous. The workshops will introduce these tips along with practical (and fun) ways that they can be trained with students in class.

15:50 - 16:30