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Asociace jazykových škol, z.s.

Meteor Centre Office Park,
Budova C, Thámova 681/32
186 00 Praha 8, IČ: 04072600

+420 602 780 039

Working hours

9:00 - 17:00

Our team

Conference OrganizingTeam

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Bibiana Machátová

Chair of the Conference, Vice-President of the Association of Language Schools

Bibiana has been active in the field of foreign language teaching since 2000. She has worked as an English teacher, trainer of trainers or Director of Studies. She is currently the Academic Director at EDUA Group.

Anna Petružálková

Conference Organizer

Anna has been involved in the organization of the AJS conference for ten years. She handles everything from renting the space to communicating with partners and speakers, producing materials, creating the program, and arranging for collaborators or catering.


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